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Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) announces the vacancy for Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP). ASDP is an undertaking of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD) with the major financial support of the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). The programme is in implementation through the fiscal year 2018/19. The duration of the Programme is six years. The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to the achievement of Nepal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1 – No Poverty and SDG 2- Zero Hunger) by reducing poverty and nutrition insecurity amongst women and men in hill and mountain areas of the Karnali Province. The purpose of the programme is to contribute to the achievement of Nepal’s SDG 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth target through sustainable improvement in the income and food security of smallholders and disadvantaged rural groups (Dalits, Janajatis, Muslims, youth, landless and other disadvantaged groups) involved in commercially oriented production and marketing systems in selected high value agricultural value chains. KMPL hereby invites applications from potential and qualified Nepalese citizens for the following job positions as per the following minimum requirements of qualification and experiences:

Senior Value Chain Expert
Jobs Function: Commercial/Logistic/Supply Chain Jobs Availability: Full Time
Jobs Level: Senior Level Offered Salary: 150,000 - 200,000 / month
Jobs Location: ASDP Districts Min. Experience Year: 12 Years
Education Degree: Master No. of Openings: 1
Deadline: Thursday, Mar 25, 2021 (Expired) Preferred Gender: Any
job description
  • Take overall leadership for planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting for sub-component 1.1 and 1.2 involving the potential value chain selection, analysis for identifying constraints & opportunities, developing strategic investments plan (SIP) and identifying critical interventions, including market oriented public and community infrastructure, for specific value chain in a multi-stakeholder consultation process (MSP) within the programme and being accountable for targets as set in programme logical framework in close coordination with other thematic team;
  • Manage the sub-component 1.1 and 1.2 in accordance with the approved annual work plans and budget, coordinate and ensure complementarities with market-oriented infrastructures and Rural Financial Services sub- component activities;
  • Articulate the real need of value chain actors and effectively plan to integrate them into the domain of Programme support to ensure that Programme will meet the appraisal target as envisaged in Programme document and Logical Framework. 
  • Supervise the work of Value Chain Expert (both Business and Technical), support, coach & mentor them and other staffs including DCCIs, municipalities across Hubs / Corridor offices to conduct MSPs, identify potential investment area within specific value chain through rolling MSP process; facilitate producers organisation, agribusiness and service provider in jointly developing concept notes and investment/business plans addressing critical  constraints & opportunities for assessing matching grants/loans for specific value chains and ensure its implementation stimulating actual scaling as part of focussed and actor driven programme facilitation;
  • Develop training modules /manuals/technical manuals and guideline on value chain development, MSP, inputs management, production, post-harvest technologies and conduct capacity building activities on these aspects to programme staff at various level;
  • Guide the Value Chain Expert (both Business and Technical) and Value Chain and Business Development Officer to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities as per their ToRs and provide additional critical direct support to cooperatives and agribusinesses to meet market requirements and strengthen financial and business services provision to enhance relationship among value chain actors working together with programme business and financial inclusion team;
  • Support value chain and infrastructure team in adhering GoN and IFAD rules, regulation, approved guidelines and procedures for the value chain co-financing and infrastructure development activities.
  • Facilitate and provide technical support to Municipalities, Municipality Agriculture and Livestock Sections, agribusiness, community-based organizations, service providers (both public and private) in delivering extension services to farmers, farmers group, cooperatives, and agribusiness and support on those aspect concerned with the production/post-harvest handling of agricultural/livestock products.
  • Conduct detail feasibility study of the business and infrastructure proposals, appraise and evaluate the outcome of the activities under sub component 1.1. and 1.2;
  • Prepared objective criteria and produce the sound logic, based on the economic and technical parameters, for the selection of infrastructure to be supported by the Programme that ensures the growth of selected value chain as per the Programme documents and logical framework;
  • Identify, prioritize and implement market oriented public and community infrastructure development activities, fulfilling the requirements of IEE and EIA, by mobilizing Value Chain Expert (Both business and technical), infrastructure officer and Civil Engineers of the PCO/PCUs that ensures the better linkage and complementarities with the growth of targeted value chains;
  • Guide to develop appropriate mechanisms of partnership with municipalities and other stakeholders and define the fund flow and contract management process in relation to the development of Market Oriented Public and Community Infrastructures.
  • Develop standard and guidelines for quality assurance check and quality control system for infrastructures construction, aligning with the existing ones and support for its implementation;
  • Strengthen capacities of programme staff for Brokering “win-win” and trust-based business and/or service relationships among producer’s group, agribusiness & service providers; work towards reliable, fair and long-term relationships including contractual arrangements, both formal & informal, supporting overall value chain development and improvement in business enabling environment;
  • Facilitate and coordinate meetings of investment proposal evaluation committee and support for evaluation and appraisal of grant applicants together with other technical teams and management team;
  • Provide support and guidance for gathering of data and information needed to undertake an effective monitoring and evaluation of all the activities across Hubs /Corridor units included in the sub-component 1.1. and 1.2;
  • Oversee the design and establishment of channels for regular information dissemination, sharing, and networking among stakeholders including VC members;
  • Provide strategic support to programme team for inclusion of poorer households in developing respective value chains investment proposals;
  • Coordinate with Federal, State and Local level line agencies, programme partners and like-minded organizations /projects/programmes working in the Karnali State and private companies within and outside programme districts according to the scope of the value chain for synergy;
  • Contribute to the knowledge development by generating lessons /cases in respective value chains, facilitate knowledge exchanges on value chain development and infrastructure development within the programme team and others;
  • Undertake any other duties as directed by Programme Coordinator.
Education description
  • PhD or Masters’ Degree in Agricultural Economics, or Agricultural Marketing, or Business Administration, or Agribusiness Development, or Economics, or Marketing or Equivalent with at least 12 years of experience in agribusiness promotion, Value Chain Development and private sector strengthening with demonstrable evidence of the results achieved.
Other Specific Requirement

Age limit: The upper age limit for all the positions at the last date of submission of application will be 60 years (the applicant needs to submit a copy of certificate which certifies the date of birth)

Salary and benefits will be as per the approved guidelines of the ASDP.


Preferences will be given to women candidate; candidate from disadvantaged groups (Dalit, Janjati/Indigenous, Madheshi, Muslim); candidates from Backward/ ASDP districts.

Detail ToR (including salary and benefits) and format of the Cover Letter can be downloaded from www.asdp.gov.np or www.kantipurjob.com.

The applicants need to submit Cover Letter and Application form in prescribed format with a preferred duty station as mentioned in ToR, Curriculum Vitae (CV) and self-attested copies of required testimonials (all Academic Certificate, Experience Letter, Citizenship, Training Certificates etc.) compulsorily that verify the detail information of cover letter and CV,  The application should be submitted  by 2077/12/12, 05:00 PM by mentioning the applied job position in the subject line to the email address asdp@kantipurjob.com or please visit Kantipur Management Private Limited's office for submission of your applications along with your documents in person. 

Google links without permission will not be accepted. 

Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for further process within 15 days of last date of application submission.Canvassing at any stage of the selection process shall lead to automatic disqualification. No telephone inquiries will be entertained. ASDP has the right to accept or reject any or all application at any stage of recruitment process without assigning any reason whatsoever. 


Kantipur Management Pvt. Ltd.

Lagankhel-19, Lalitpur, Nepal

Nearby Patan Academy of Health Sciences (Patan Hospital)

Phone: +977 1 5530599, 5532572, 9801800020

 about company

    • Industry: NGO/INGO/Development Project
    • Ownership: Government
    • Address: Birendranagar, Surkhet
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  • Ritesh Raj Singh
  • Gopal Biraji NEPALI
  • Rajesh Kumar Shahi
  • Ritesh Raj Singh
  • Samir Thapa
  • Evan shrestha
  • Kumari Hira Joshi
  • Zenith K.C
  • Arun Kumar Prajapati
  • Manta Chaudhary