Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an expertise on human resources solutions and has been providing Human Resource Management and related solutions to organizations across the country.
Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an expertise on human resources solutions and has been providing Human Resource Management and related solutions to organizations across the country.
Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an expertise on human resources solutions and has been providing Human Resource Management and..
Today’s job seekers and employers rely heavily on internet and social media. Around the globe, 83% candidates check for job online. Kantipur..
The literal function of training is to produce change. It is the upgrading of an individual’s skill or the addition of a new skill, which in..
Employee are key to every organization. The employee make, create and break the organization. Company invest huge on the recruitment, selection and training of individuals to fit in a position, it calls for time and monetary investment for the appropriate candidacy. In this fast changing business environment, organizations want easy accessibility to right candidate. Kantipur Management aids to save the cost and time of organization through its staff outsourcing service and comply the existing labor laws in course of providing the services with our clients. Why outsource the ..
Organizations earn through sales and a strong sales channel is the key to success, strong sales channel i..
Business process outsourcing is a subset of outsourcing which involves the contracting of the operations ..
Make your job posting visible and prioritized. Access to paper advertisement, unlimited data base search, customized page, hot job, feature ..
Post your job at and save cost. Get access to customized page and support to create job descriptions. For details contact us..
Access the applicant directory as per your requirement. For details contact us...
Visualize your job posting with customized page and access feature job and general job facility. We create job descriptions, for details contact us...
Access the applicant directory as per your requirement. For details contact us...
Advertise online and make your brand visible to job seekers and get free hot job facility with banner adv..
Create a profile and post your application for the job online. Get notification of the selection process instantly...
Post your resume and make it searchable for employers to find you for the job. Receive job notifications as per your preference...
Want a professional CV? Create one online or contact us for assistance...
Utilize opportunity cost, build revenue and save cost.
Qualified and effective sales team with experience from travel, telecom and banking.
KMPL’s presence all across the country to find you the right job.
Expertise on human resource field.
Find right candidate for the right position.
Access to skilled resources and employers.
Experienced in handling contact centre operations.
Quick business correspondence and quality service.
Reliable and quick access to qualified candidates.
National and international certified trainers.
Respect the privacy of user.
Description about something.